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school leadership team
The mission of the School Leadership Team (SLT) of PS 282 is to determine the school’s educational direction. Successful completion of the School’s Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP) and the development of the budget will be the team’s first priority. As a leadership team, we propose to act as role models and facilitators to promote child centered teaching and learning.
All New York State public schools are mandated to have a School Leadership Team (SLT). It is the primary school based vehicle for parents to work with teachers and the Principal to establish school priorities, ensure the budget is aligned with those priorities and evaluate SLT meets once a month, the 1st Tuesday (if no school, the following Tuesday) of every month at 2:30pm in the School Library and on Zoom.
Zoom Meeting Details:
Meeting ID: 970 6726 0765 Passcode: 385574
To view the SLT Bylaws please click HERE
2024-2025 SLT elected Members
Idesha Fraser, Chairperson
Amy Rodriguez, Principal
Julie Eschbacher, PTO Co-President
Olivia O'Neal, PTO Co-President
Allie Esslinger, Parent
Sara Hafetz, Parent
Stacy Gerard, Parent
Jessica Laing, UFT Delegate
Shakeema Brathwaite, Teacher
Joseph Gonzalez, Teacher
Irene Vallejo, Teacher
Cassidie Giammarino, Teacher
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