Our educational philosophy is built upon three key pillars: inspiring and educational experiences, a robust academic curriculum, and meaningful, supportive relationships.
PS 282 goes beyond teaching core subjects like Math, English, and Science. We strive to ignite a passion for learning in every student. Recognizing that each child has unique learning styles and interests, we blend rigorous academics with experiential learning to provide a real-world context for core subjects, fostering deeper understanding and enthusiasm.
We believe that the cornerstone of exceptional education is not just excellent classrooms but also a strong, nurturing community. While test scores serve as a baseline for measuring certain types of progress, they don't capture the full spectrum of a child's development or the effectiveness of a class or school. Therefore, our focus isn't on improving standardized test scores. Instead, we prioritize creating dynamic classroom environments and a comprehensive support system that promotes lifelong learning and growth.
Literacy & Writing
PS 282 bases its approach to literacy on the Teachers College Reading Writing Project. A framework which supports the selection of texts that meet the needs of our highest level readers, readers who read below grade level based on assessments and small group and individual conferences done in the classroom. Teachers College work with readers begins with a commitment to giving students ample amounts of time to read books of their own choosing and that they can read with fluency, accuracy and comprehension.
Mountains of data confirm that in order for students to progress as readers and writers, they must have abundant time to read and write. Our work with writers begins with a commitment to structuring schools so that students have time to write. Students work as professional authors do, cycling through the stages of the writing process and receiving feedback that is essential to growth.
During the writing workshop, students are invited to live, work and learn as writers. They observe their lives and the world around them while collecting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. We engage in this work with Teachers College in order to support the vision of creating habits that will sustain our students as lifelong readers and writers.
PS 282 offers a rigorous and challenging mathematics program for every student. As 282 transitions to the Math in Focus program, commonly referred to as Singapore Math, we continue to build upon this innovative approach to teaching math that helps students master problem solving skills aligned to the Common Core Standards. It is an integrated curriculum that provides students with activities to reinforce and extend their understanding of the material.
Our choice of the Math in Focus program is based on its emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving skills, allowing students to apply their knowledge in new situations. We are excited to be implementing this new curriculum as teachers and students engage with the program components that speak to the needs of all learners.
Social Studies
Our Science department strives to have teachers develop effective hands-on inquiry that involves a series of steps that builds students’ investigative skills (i.e. observation, questioning, experimental design, data analysis, explanation and reflection). This approach allows our teachers to create curriculum that aligns to the NYC DOE Science Scope and Sequence while providing support and flexibility to engage in experimental science investigations.
Park slope 282 offers a challenging curriculum for Social Studies called Passport to Social Studies. Passport to Social Studies program is a comprehensive instructional resource that integrates the Common Core Learning Standards and the New York State K-8 Social Studies Framework to support strong social studies teaching and learning. This program allows students to make sense of the world in which they live, make connections between major ideas and their own lives, and see themselves as active members of a global community. It also challenges students to think like historians and encourages them to raise questions, think critically, consider many perspectives, and gather evidence in support of their interpretations through the practice of chronological processing, decision-making, and historical research and analysis. These real-world skills will serve students well as participating citizens of a democracy.
Physical Education
Students learn various gross motor skills while participating in activities designed to promote wellness of body and mind. Students practice movement techniques, teamwork through team building and competitive activities while learning about the importance of health, nutrition and physical fitness.
At Park Slope 282, technology is part of supporting a well-balanced education. Students learn about how to use technology to get information for learning as well as apply coding applications to gain exposure to more advanced computer science.